Thursday, August 20, 2009

How Do I Love Me, Let Me Count The Ways...

When I'm felling blue, I try to think about the things I do well. At least the things that I try to do well.

I'm a good wife, a lot of the time.

I'm a good Mom, even more of the time.

I'm fiercely loyal to my friends & family.

I try to be better at all these things.

It's so much easier to find where I fall short but I really try to focus on the good.

Try it yourself & please share.

Do you keep a nice house? Are you there to help your friends? Do you go to bed with your partner when you'd rather do your toes & they never even know? These are all things & times we put others before ourselves & we should be recognized for them. If not by others then at least by ourselves.

This week is almost over & I will be feeling much better come Monday.

Again, please share! I love to know I'm not all alone. I already know I'm crazy :)


  1. Your fiends or your friends? See post regarding typos. Good thought provoking post! I'll try to think of some good things about myself today.

  2. Although my fiends need help, too, I did mean friends.

    "Thank you sir, may I have another?"

    I despise my typos & I appreciate when you catch them!
