Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Teenage Appeal...

I love teen movies. I've said it before & I'll say it many times more.

I loved American Pie. Heathers is one of my all time favorites. I totally laughed the first time I saw Road Trip & Eurotrip. The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles & Pretty in Pink are still among my favorites. I also love Juno & Superbad. The list could go on & on & on.

I'll admit I am a kid at heart. I don't think I'll ever "grow up". Luckily for me, by hubby loves all the juvenile humor, too.

He really gets a kick out of my fondness for Twilight & the Harry Potter films but I like them for different reasons.

They're amusing story lines & the books were both interesting. I've actually only seen the first Harry Potter film & have only read the first book in the Harry Potter series & the first in the Twilight, also.

My following generalization comes from both of the films that I've seen:

In the Harry Potter film there was a tremendous amount of "swallowing acting." Like whenever they get into an iffy situation they look at each other with big eyes and do a big swallow for drama.

In Twilight, there was a lot of "sighing acting." Or "uncomfortable small clear of the throat acting." Or "ummm acting."

The hubby says it's because the actors are so green & that's just how they do it. I disagree.

There is a director there, there's editors after. Can you imagine a director yelling "so look at him & widen your eyes & do a big swallow gulp - ACTION"

Or on Twilight "now look really uncomfortable, look up, look down, make a weird noise & follow it with a sigh, then look at him - ACTION"

It must have a youth appeal that I'm just not getting but am totally amused by it.

It's like if you ever got smoked pot & got really high & tried to watch a movie - sometimes all you would see was "Acting." Not the story but just the actors acting.

I suppose that's why the few months in college when I was 19 & pretended to be a stoner I watched The Hobit on tv while listening to The Doors. Cartoons weren't "actors". I've still never actually seen that movie with the sound going. It would ruin the memory.

Now when I watch Twilight or Harry Potter, all I see is the swallowing & the sighing. I'm looking for it every second. I don't really watch them anymore because of it. But I did enjoy them both the first time.

I also have a habit of watching a movie the first time, just watching it. But on the second time & any additional time I'm seeing it I'm looking in the background. Looking at the actors that aren't speaking. Seeing what they're doing. where they're looking, the expressions on their faces. Or what the extras are doing in the background.

Seinfeld episodes are funny for that, too. Kramer & Jerry will be on front camera with George & Elaine in the background at the table or whatever. It's interesting to watch what they do. Pointing out things to each other in the paper. Whatever. It's a hobby. Or a habit. Try it & I guarantee you'll find it amusing. At least I do.

But I digress from the idea that produced this blog post:

Not long ago I watched a South Park episode about the Jonas Brothers & their purity rings & their complaint that the purity rings were overshadowing their music.

In response, Mickey Mouse tells them that by using this tactic he can sell sex to young girls & make it seem innocent.

It's one of the most interesting South Park episodes I've seen & made me think a lot.

The whole detailed description of the episode is at:


It offers even more interesting info about the episode.

One thing it does leave out is Mickey's rant at the end of the concert that accidentally appears on the stage in front of all the thousands of tweenage girls:

When the Jonas boys decide they're being used, Mickey yelps that he's been in control of pop culture since the 50's.

Mickey, embodied here as a squawking, expletive spewing representation of perhaps the Disney Company, "can sell sex to little girls" deviously: The Jonas Brothers are packaged as safe & chaste, even as their music inevitabley gets the kids hot & bothered.

It's a very interesting topic for me.

My hubby made an interesting point about the Twilight books & movies being so delicious to teenage girls because Edward is the perfect guy: totally protects her, is passionate, an occasional kiss but it never goes too far. We didn't discuss the whole "could kill her" aspect but you could even further tie that in with implanting fear into teenage girls about the dangers of sex & losing control.


It's just something that was on my mind, ponging around as things are apt to do.

Not really a very passionate blogspot for me but something I find quite interesting.

Hope you're having a great night & please let me know your thoughts on this one.


  1. There is a national fixation with "swallowing".
    Have no idea why that is....


  2. I will be watching Seinfeld and movies with a whole new perspective and awareness.
