Friday, August 7, 2009

Philosophical Differences

I've had two interesting conversations today about the need to communicate in relationships and how important, and difficult, that communication can be.

First of all, men and women seem to communicate in very different ways. Men want to acknowledge something once, solve it, then move on. Women, in my estimation, want to visit a topic over & over.

I'll give an example of my own: In the first year of my marriage, well over a decade ago, my husband had to travel to Fresno on Sunday evening & did not return home until Thursday or Friday each week. I suspected that something inappropriate had happened down there and I asked him. I happen to be very good, almost amazing, at knowing when my husband is lying. He finds it very annoying but acknowledges that why would I keep asking him something when I always know when he's lying.

Anyway, he told me that nothing had happened & patiently answered all of my questions. As he still does when every 6 months or so I ask, completely out of nowhere, did you cheat on me when you were working in Fresno?!

I visit the topic every so often, as I do most topics. I get the same answer I've always gotten in the same believable way it's always been given, & then we move on. He really doesn't get annoyed like I half expect him to because he knows that I need to revisit again & again.

Today, I heard the same revelations from two women about the importance of communication, & if there's a breakdown in communication & we, as women, are left to our imaginations, we can really whack out.

I'm comforted to know that it's not just me but I sincerely hope it's not all of us.

Thanks to my two friends today for sharing their stories. Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Friggin hilarious! I've seen it in other women as well. Cracks me up.
