Thursday, August 13, 2009

I love my husband, but dang...

sometimes he fucking drives me crazy.

I really do love this guy. We have been married for a long time & although I don't believe in the whole soul mate thing (I have control of my destiny by making choices that will lead me to my destiny, whole other blogspot, I'll get to it later) I completely believe that he is the very best person for me. He has given me THE child I was meant to parent & I really, really love him. I even like him most of the time.

However, when he is out of town for ONE night & comes home, he gets on my nerves. We just get out of sync & it's totally my fault. I believe that I miss him, I'm totally sweet & loving to him on the phone but when he gets home, I'm annoyed.

Now when he's gone for two nights, I'm so happy & pleasant when he comes home. I do actually miss him instead of just thinking that I miss him. I have enough time to myself & the opportunity to realize that I do not want to be a single parent. We are totally in sync because we're both glad that he's home.

You would think he would learn & try to arrange it to be gone for two nights instead of one. Although I'm not sure he realizes what's up. I have only recently begun to notice that I am distinctly grouchy when he comes home from an overnight as opposed to a two or three night stay.

Actually, three is sometimes too much & I may become resentful when he's gone that long which is much more dangerous to him than grouchy. I am such a pain in the ass to be married to ~ poor guy.

Am I the only one that's this crazy?

1 comment:

  1. You may be a little bit crazy but if that's so then I am too. I see where you're coming from! As much as our husbands may drive us crazy when they are around it is so much worse without them in the long run... As well as I think I do as a parent, my son would suffer without his dad for more than a week. I respect single parents all the more when I have to do it alone, don't you? Maybe I'm just too selfish to be a primary caretaker or maybe just too lazy but I value a "second" in my day to day life. I still want to kill him most of the time but then I realize that without him I'd want to kill myself too. :)
