Sunday, August 2, 2009

After Sunday Comes Monday

Ok, I fell off the wagon on Friday night. I had a terrible late afternoon at work & my boss is quite thoughtless to set me up for an angry weekend. Anyway, I had three cocktails. Then Saturday night, although I wasn't as upset as on Friday, I had two Blue Moons, one Smirnoff Ice & a very medium glass of red wine over the course of four hours.

I feel like I proved that I could go for five days without drinking & not develop any signs of alcohol withdrawal. My hubby even got me the first cocktail so I'll say that he's supportive rather than say he's an enabler.

At any rate, I hope tomorrow will be a better day with work.

We'll see how I do without booze this week. Cheers!


  1. You are a better woman than I. Keep your head up! The way I see it, if you have a boss to piss you off, you can't be that far in the gutter. You are not an unemployed crack whore after all. :)

  2. Not presently, no, but thanks for the career ideas!
