Monday, August 23, 2010

Seems Like I'm Running Bad...

Lately I just have not had it together like I usually do.

I'll use a poker reference & say that I'm just kinda running bad right now.

And that's not just to say I'm running bad in poker, which I am, but I'm also running bad in my life.

My marriage is still happy & my family is still healthy so my complaints are not life shattering. But they're still quite real.

My job slows down this time of year. It's pretty scary. I still have money coming in from past sales but I'm making very few new sales to pad the front. In a few months I won't be making hardly any money. It happens each year but it still always freaks me out.

I have plumped out a little bit recently & my complexion has gone to shit. I think I can pinpoint both of those things to a birth control pill switch, which I've since quit & improvements can already be seen, but still it's so frigging annoying.

And I'm just not quite myself. I'm trying to be cheerful & outgoing but I'm just not feeling it. I'm just kinda crabby. Even more than the usual few days a month.

But I know it all will improve. It always does. I so appreciate this outlet, even if nobody reads it, I feel better just launching it into the internet atmosphere. And if you do read it, thanks for listening. And if you're running bad I hope it gets better for you, too.

Have a great night!


  1. I have been running bad as well my friend. In my own life, I worry to much, and I take shit from people that I don't even need to take it from. I guess thats just my nature... who I am, you know?

    I run... all the time... you know that. Physically I am doing pretty darn good. However, mentaly... I suck. I fall apart all the time and beat myself up. Why? Who the hell knows, I think that it is just the way that I am... That way, I will never be surprised when something fails, or I am no longer "enough". Having it always in the back of my mind as a reality, makes me feel like I can hold on when it all comes crashing down around me.

    I love you, be strong. you are beautiful, and loving, and even more than that... you are a wonderful friend.

    heart you,

    p.s. yes, I am totally buzzed while blogging! LOL (BUT COMPLETELY SERIOUS!)

  2. I feel your pain, I've been running bad for the last couple of years... Try to cheer up, you rock! xoxo :)

  3. I third that! I've been running bad off and on for the last three years! That's gotta be a record for anyone. The pills might also be lending a hand not only to the complexion but the mood. You're a love and will bounce back before you know it.
