Monday, December 7, 2009

The More I Learn, The Less I Know...

Let me begin this by saying I like Tiger. I always have.

I played on the boy's golf team in high school, pretty friggin cool - go me, & I was getting ready to tee off for the girls state championship in Modesto when everyone started murmuring there's Tiger, there's Tiger, oh my gosh, it's Tiger.

I didn't know who they were talking about heading up to the 18th green, 20 yards or so from my 1st Tee, but I knew it was a big deal. I remember it still.

I also remember a friend of mine. A few years older, a world wiser & a somewhat mentor to me ~ no wonder I'm so fucked up. She was having an affair with an older man ~ an older, married man ~ & I was astonished that he could be cheating on her, too. Not just on cheating his wife, but cheating on his mistress.

She said, rather matter-of-factly, that all men want to do is get their dicks wet.

That sentiment rings in my head. No wonder my hubby takes the abuse that he does. And he is a good guy. I have no reason to worry. Whatsoever. But still...I remember what she said.

And then I remember the few years I spent working for the City of Sacramento & I saw every single form of adultery that exists. It was disgusting. I can't even imagine what Washington D.C. must be like. I could write a book on the marital debauchery in government. Oh wait, I am. I have. I just need a publisher...

Anyway, I don't blame Elin for leaving. You know Tiger was swearing on his Mother & his Father's grave that it was just those two. And now there's 10. Or more. I haven't looked since this afternoon.

I can say that at least it's just women. It could be men, too. Or 12 year olds in Thailand. So far it's just women...

I don't excuse him, but can you imagine how much ass Tiger has thrown at him each day?!

We women, some of us, are susceptible to rich, powerful men.

And they're susceptible to themselves.

They can do anything.

And they can.

Until they can't.

I would have beat his ass with a Driver. No doubt.

The "No condoms" would have been the deal breaker for me.

And the waitress from Perko's. Puleezzzz.

I'm a snob ~ or a classist, actually, as my flip side would say.

Have some standards. And keep her safe.

Team Elin.

Hope she has good lawyers cuz you know that he does.

Have a good night!


  1. I agree that it's a bad scene. Why can't men recognize a good thing when they are married?
    Is it really up to ten other women now? Sex is the scond most powerful thing, right after food.

    Both of these beautiful things can kill us.


  2. I will tell you from experience that most Men do not recognize a good thing when they have it because simply put... they are men(again I say most men). Women are somewhat stronger in that sense,(I believe anyway) But there are those woman out there that are real gold diggers and home wreckers as well. I guess that there are two kinds of men, and two kinds of women.(the strong, and then the weak.)Now Tiger, is powerful because he has money and fame and whatever else the world might think he is a strong person for...but he is the weak breed of men. Shocking to some people. But not to me. The more materialistic power that one person has in their life, the less REAL power they actually have...being strong, strong within themselves, which in turn makes a person strong with in all aspects of life.

    My man made a comment: No wonder he's been playing like shit all year! He has the guilt riding his back all over the golf course. i HAVE TO AGREE, I always agree with whatever he says, pretty smart for an Anderson boy.

    I heard something along the lines of "women think with their hearts (love unconditionally, devoted, loyal..pretty much do anything for their man and their family)and men think with their heads(what they can do to get their dicks wet..."I'm bored with this one, so maybe I can get away with a little dabble here and there"...)then one woman turns into multiples, it's pathetic and sad. I am fortunate to have a wonderful man, that would never do anything to hurt me, ever. But when I say that I wonder also, did Tigers wife say this same thing about her husband? Just to get slapped in the face?!?

    I was discussing this same topic at work the other day and asked my co-workers why they thought that Tiger just didn't leave... if he couldn't be married and remain monogamous? They simply replied: Because no one wants to sponser a single male with lots of money who sleeps with lots of women.


