What the hell chance do the rest of us have?!
In the last few weeks & months, several famous battles have been lost against cancer. I'm thinking of Farrah Fawcett, Edward Kennedy & today, Patrick Swayze.
It's so scary to me to think about the amount of money that was spent & the access to incredible medicine & cancer fighting strategies these very wealthy individuals had & they still lost the battle.
When it comes to our health, it just goes to show, we are all mere mortals.
I know there are conspiracy theories that the government &/or the pharmaceutical companies already have the cure for cancer & they don't want to release it because of the money cancer generates.
I am not big into conspiracy theories. I don't think secrets can be kept for long unless the secrets disappear.
Like if aliens really did land here in the fifties or whenever & they actually did have the alien bodies than those bodies must have been destroyed. And those bodies must have been seen by only a very small number of people or else somebody would have blabbed.
It's not that I don't believe in aliens, I just don't believe in people.
But to rebuff the government cancer cure conspiracy, I truly think that if they had it then they would have deployed the good stuff for Teddy.
Unless of course they're using his death to push through the health care reform package in his memory?! Conspiracy leads to conspiracy to more conspiracy...
Anyway, Rest In Peace Patrick Swayze. Even in your most serious roles, you still made me smile. "Via Con Dios."
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