Oh I knew you wouldn't be offended! And for the record, it's very difficult to offend me. Even when I don't agree with something, I am almost always supportive of the right to one's opinion.
Let me tell you something that did offend me recently & see if you agree:
The hubby played in the shasta builder's exchange golf tourney a few weeks ago, aka good ole white boys group, & they had a cardboard Hillary Clinton in the middle of the fairway & whoever got closest to hitting her won $100. Hubby thought it was so amusing because she's a democrat & that's why she was a target because she's anti-business, etc. They never would have put Obama out there because of racism concerns. Why aren't there the same feelings about sexism?
I didn't vote for either of them & although I'm very socially liberal I'm quite fiscally conservative & registered as a republican. You watching fox news makes me think that we're alike again.
That's my rant & I wanted another young woman's opinion that possibly is not a Hillary fan to see if my reaction was odd. My mom, a democrat, didn't think about the sexist aspect until I mentioned it.
I totally agree with your rant.
To quote Chris Rock," The whole country's got a fucked up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are fucking idiots. Democrats are fucking idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots.
Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a fucking fool. Everybody, nah, nah, nah, everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang! I'm a conservative! I'm a liberal! I'm a conservative! It's bullshit!
Be a fucking person. Listen. Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion.
No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some shit I'm conservative about, I got some shit I'm liberal about. Crime - I'm conservative. Prostitution - I'm liberal."
I love that statement! I agree with you wholeheartedly though. I'm so over people crying racism! In fact I'm over everyone crying period. We live in a country supposedly founded on free speech and our ability to form our own opinions but if your opinion is not politically correct or popular, all of a sudden you are no longer entitled to one. I'm sick of it. I could go on and on... Let me know what you think. Actually I think that the cardboard Hillary at the golf course sounds hilarious! A Barack version would be equally hilarious and I'd love to see the person with the balls big enough to pull it off! :)
I guess I don't get why it's sexist or racist... if you don't agree with their ideas and they become a target at a golf course, so what. I especially like the part "Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion". Exactly. But I do understand that racism, sexism, agism, etc all exist and thrive in America today. I do think people should be cautious and think before they speak. If our intent is not specifically to hurt based on those issues then say what you need to say. Whoever makes it about race, sex, etc.... you can clearly defend yourself.