Friday, July 31, 2009

Facebook Funnies

FB User #1 is wondering if anyone watched the new show on A&E Obsessed? Will it give me nightmares or should I set my dvr?
May 25 at 8:26pm

FB User #2 I recorded it on my dvr but haven't watched it yet. Might get to it tonight, possibly tomorrow, I'll let you know what I think.
May 25 at 8:57pm

Facebook User #1 I knew I could count on you. The topics seem like they might freak me out, I already have germ issues :)
May 25 at 9:07pm

Facebook User #3 That DOES look interesting...
May 25 at 9:15pm

Facebook User #4 I watched it, and now I feel better about myself.
May 26 at 10:24am

We love funny Facebook interactions. Send us any you find particularly amusing!

Thanks & keep 'em coming!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Conversation Thread ~ Functioning Freaks

June 8 at 9:53am
What are you up to? Haven't heard from you in two weeks, which is strange :)

June 8 at 9:20pm
Are you angry at me? Did I do something to offend you? "The question isn't are you paranoid, the question is are you paranoid enough."

June 8 at 9:23pm
Are you mad at me or did I say something to offend you?

"The question isn't whether you're paranoid, the question is whether you're paranoid enough."

June 8 at 9:25pm
Sorry, my iPhone kept saying it did not go thru. One message was ample.

June 8 at 10:46pm
Not at all silly!!! I just haven't been online a lot lately! I have checked briefly but not responded to anyone yet. I don't blame you though, I am the queen of paranoia! Every time I do a status update and nobody responds I think everyone hates me! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, hang tight. I love ya still!!!

June 8 at 11:18pm
Cool, I love ya 2!!!

June 8 at 11:33pm
Good to know! I love having you as a friend, you remind me so much of myself! Why weren’t we friends in high school? Makes me wonder how much I missed out on... Intervention rocked! You have no idea how much eating disorders resonate with me! But that's a whole other conversation, isn't it?

June 9 at 9:04am
And just to let you know, I'm a total druggie, alckie, bulimic girl - have been for a long time & am not likely to change - it's all managed right now & makes the whole journey interesting. It also endlessly amuses my totally sane & in control hubby. Hope you understand how we can be these things but not need to be on Intervention & can still be good wives & moms & employees. Those shows show me that except for my chubbiness right now, I'm doing good.

June 9 at 9:26pm
In case I scared you, I'm not textbook druggie, alckie & bulimic - these are just things I've experienced. And survived & still am. Never had any "official" problems although I don't ever do drugs now. I just came from college with some very interesting stories :)

I don't think I'll ever quit drinking so I really try to keep it under control. It could easily be a problem though.

And Although I wish I could be ana for a few months - my occasional bulimic "episode" is just another sign of my addictive personality.

Tell me your story, girl. I'm sharing with you & I rarely do that with anyone. I don't think we would have been healthy for each other in high school.

Hope u r having a great night. Cheers!

June 9 at 10:03pm
I'm not scared at all! Love to know I'm not the only functioning freak.

Thanks for the thread!

We loved it & please keep 'em coming.

The only changes we will make would be to neutralize any names that may be included.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Alcoholic Brake-Check

I am trying to go for two weeks without drinking. I'm already pretty annoyed about it & I'm only on day two.

Every once in a while I do this to make sure I don't officially have a problem - so far, so good. No DT's, no ants crawling & I'm not really that crabby. Although it was strange to prepare dinner tonight & not consider what cocktail to have or what bottle of wine to open.

Guess a brake-check every now & then is good for us all - or for me at least.

Oh & just because I'm not drinking doesn't mean I get to pop pills instead. I'm trying to just stick to caffeine & that's it for two weeks. Seriously, I will kill somebody if I try to give up coffee & diet pepsi, too!

I love my husband, but dang...

sometimes he fucking drives me crazy. I have been married for quite a while & we absolutely have what I would term a happy marriage so I just wonder how other women feel...please weigh in & let me know if I am or am not alone.

I can go from totally loving him one moment to wanting to fly at him & smash his face two seconds later. Then I'm over it again. I want to know if he ever feels the same way about me. He says he doesn't & that he loves me all the time even when he's mad at me. I would seriously have my feelings hurt if he thought about me some of the things I think about him.

But then I get a good night's sleep or a few seconds pass & poof, it's all good & I love him again. Does that make me crazy? Or is it the norm for the mid-thirties, late-twenties, early-forties Mom & wife/girlfriend that I am?

This Comment was way too Perfect Not to Post:

Anonymous Says...

" absolutely caught my attention! YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!! My husband and I have what I believe to be a very strong, secure, loving relationship...HOWEVER, he can drive me absolutely up the wall! He is very content living an extraordinary routine life. Wakes up happy (ughh!)at the same time EVERYDAY, get in the shower, watches a little news while he eats some dry schredded wheat [out of the plastic container, feel a little bad for him here though cause he would love to have it w/ some milk but...lactose intolerant], leaves the house with the "this is going to be a great day attitude". Don't get me wrong, this is all great stuff, however, he does all this without even a DROP of caffeine required! He hasn't even taken a sick day in over 10 years...

I have more to add...I'm just getting started, but I need my 8 hours sleep and still will REQUIRE my... "Caffeine! It is my shepherd; I shall not doze. It maketh me to wake in green pastures: It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses. It restoreth my buzz: It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness. Yea, I walk through the shadow of addiction, I will fear no Equal For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me. My Starbucks...Thou annointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over, Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the House of Iced White Mochas (shaken not stirred) forever."
to be continued...goodnight :)"

We love it! Thanks for the comment & keep 'em coming!

Monday, July 13, 2009

An MJ Observation

My friend was telling me about a comment she made on Facebook about MJ recently ~ & I have come to learn that the things you type on Facebook can bite you on the ass.

(Now I am not the only one who writes this blog so if my counterpart disagrees with my perspective, & she might, she will totally let me know.)

Anyway, my friend commented on an expression of sympathy for this tortured soul finally at rest with the keen observation that all the media attention focused on Michael Jackson's death was really taking away from more pressing news like nuclear weapons in North Korea, for example.

She was seriously reprimanded for her callousness toward MJ's passing & a great many other things. She was surprised & her feelings were hurt by such a harsh reaction from someone she thought was her friend.

I totally agree with her. Michael Jackson was a very talented entertainer in his younger years but for the past 15 has been, if perhaps a little short of a total freak, at the very least someone desperately out of touch with reality. That is only my own observation from both his behavior & the interviews & documentaries he participated in. My belief is that your public persona is usually much more restrained than your private one so I can't even begin to speculate on what he was really like...

Now I am a total Perez Hilton addict ~ I check his blog 10 times a day ~ & although I don't particularly like the fellow I love his blog. I also look at TMZ from time to time so I am certainly not above any fascination with celebrities.

However, Perez Hilton, TMZ & US Weekly is where I want to feed my celebrity frenzy.

I do not want to see it on Good Morning America for weeks at a time with dozens of doctors & experts speculating on MJ's health. Especially when these experts could have been hired to come up with legitimate illness explanations for why he wore a glove, bleached his skin or rode in a wheelchair. It may or may not be true & it may or may not be false, but get it off the network news. Please!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mary Jane Says...

Last night I was at a party. A very mixed group of college educated professionals, paraprofessionals & some hard working folks ~ it was a really fun time.

A neighbor of the hosts came & he was a Shasta County Sheriff's Deputy & had been for many years. The talk turned to the dire state of this state's affairs & that mismanagement is mismanagement no matter how you view it.

Then, in a conversation twist that I'm still not sure how I managed, I suggested that we should legalize marijuana. I expected to be brutally rebuffed by such a fellow ~ he was a sheriff, & had been for 30 years, so he was of an age & era that often disagreed with my lenient attitude toward pot ~ I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction & learned a lot from our chat.

He said that was exactly what the State of California should do. He told me that it's not just the taxes it would generate through the growth & sale, but that I should consider how much money would be saved by all that is spent eradicating it. Think of the millions & millions, even billions, spent in Shasta County alone. And that now with the Mexican Drug Cartels so fiercely guarding pot growth that it is so dangerous to the deputies that if it was legal & legitimate farmers were farming it everyone would win.

Then on the drive home, I was marveling to my husband about this Sheriff's enlightened view & he told me that the Mafia was really just a bunch of small time criminals until prohibition & that's when they really gained their money, power & influence.

Very interesting...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kindred Spirits...

It would take a fucking lot for you to offend me!!! A lot! Feel free to always be honest and express yourself where I am concerned, I am only bothered when people bullshit me and act fake. I am open to whatever my friends say whether I agree with it or not, debate makes the world go round. I love that everyone has their own ideas and opinions and ways of seeing things, that is what makes life interesting! Although at this point it appears that you and I feel the same about most issues! Fun, fun, fun! I am always up for a kindred spirit.

From one bitch to another, I'm glad to be getting to know you. I'm just sorry that it didn't happen earlier.

Offended? Why Bother??!

Oh I knew you wouldn't be offended! And for the record, it's very difficult to offend me. Even when I don't agree with something, I am almost always supportive of the right to one's opinion.

Let me tell you something that did offend me recently & see if you agree:

The hubby played in the shasta builder's exchange golf tourney a few weeks ago, aka good ole white boys group, & they had a cardboard Hillary Clinton in the middle of the fairway & whoever got closest to hitting her won $100. Hubby thought it was so amusing because she's a democrat & that's why she was a target because she's anti-business, etc. They never would have put Obama out there because of racism concerns. Why aren't there the same feelings about sexism?

I didn't vote for either of them & although I'm very socially liberal I'm quite fiscally conservative & registered as a republican. You watching fox news makes me think that we're alike again.

That's my rant & I wanted another young woman's opinion that possibly is not a Hillary fan to see if my reaction was odd. My mom, a democrat, didn't think about the sexist aspect until I mentioned it.


I totally agree with your rant.

To quote Chris Rock," The whole country's got a fucked up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are fucking idiots. Democrats are fucking idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots.
Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a fucking fool. Everybody, nah, nah, nah, everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang! I'm a conservative! I'm a liberal! I'm a conservative! It's bullshit!
Be a fucking person. Listen. Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion.
No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some shit I'm conservative about, I got some shit I'm liberal about. Crime - I'm conservative. Prostitution - I'm liberal."

I love that statement! I agree with you wholeheartedly though. I'm so over people crying racism! In fact I'm over everyone crying period. We live in a country supposedly founded on free speech and our ability to form our own opinions but if your opinion is not politically correct or popular, all of a sudden you are no longer entitled to one. I'm sick of it. I could go on and on... Let me know what you think. Actually I think that the cardboard Hillary at the golf course sounds hilarious! A Barack version would be equally hilarious and I'd love to see the person with the balls big enough to pull it off! :)

Conversation Threads

Sometimes we'll post conversation threads ~ doesn't necessarily mean it's from us, doesn't necessarily mean that it's not ~ we're always happy to take suggestions, submissions, whatever, but please know that we might post it & we won't give you credit ~ or blame :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

How Pissed Was Farrah?!

June 25th, 2009, 4:10pm

I would be so effing pissed if I was Farrah. I mean seriously, this was her news day & then Michael Jackson goes & fucking dies, too. Geez...

I'm sick, I know, but this is how I feel. She's looking down & she is pissed, too.